Monday, May 4, 2009

Pectoralis Minor, Corocobrachialis, and Brachialis

How does the Pectoralis minor compare to the Pectoralis major?
Think of its functions, origin and insertions and joints crossed

Compare in the same way, the Brachialis and the Biceps Brachi. Also, what doe they have in common

Can you describe the origin and insertion of the Corocobrachialis?
What is its function?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Biceps Brachii

Can you name the origin and insertion of this muscle?
What joint movements does it create when it contracts eccentrically?

Anterior Deltoid and Pectoralis Major

Can you name the origin and insertion of these 2 muscles?
What joints do they cross, and what joint actions do they make?
Make sure you know the three division of the chest muscle

The Adductors

Can you recognise the 5 parts that that make up the Adductor group?
Can you describe the origin and insertion of the group as a whole
Can you say which joints are moved and how. What is the normal range of movement of this muscle?
Which way will be concentric contraction and which way will be eccentric
Can you think of 3 exercises that use this muscle?

Anterior upper skeleton

Can you give the anatomical term for collar bone? What muscles attach to it? Can you name its articulations with other bones?
Can you name the parts of the sternum?
Can you name which joints you see, and what type of joint are they?
Can you name which muscles are to be found between the ribs? What is their function?
What muscles attach to the ribs? Can you name their joint actions?

the Pelvis

Can you name the parts and landmarks of the pelvis?
Which muscle attach where?
What movement do they cause at which joint?
How does the spine join the pelvis? What type of joint is that?

Can you name the bones in this veiw?
How many ribs? Can you say how many are false, floating etc
Where do they join?
What joints do you see?
What movements do they make?
What landmarks do you see?
What muscles attach to thes landmarks?
What movement do they cause at these landmarks?